International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

A Phenomenological Study of International Undergraduate Students from Ghana Experiences at Southern Illinois University Carbondale Illinois
Isaac Rowland Aklamanu

There is an increase in global student mobility as international students contribute to the dynamics of the American college classroom and population. American colleges have been welcoming international students because of the financial benefits and international fees. It is a serious problem that the academic and social needs of international students are not being met in American colleges. This study briefly examined the undergraduate international students from Ghana about their experiences at a Midwest University. Based on semi-structured interviews of six Ghanaian undergraduate international students, the qualitative research created an awareness of the social financial and academic experiences of international students at an American college. The researcher concluded that the types of experiences are varied among the participants, yet there was a high consistency of the themes: learning and studying, perception of faculty, expedited learning, online learning, language and communication issues financial, and a lack of social interaction with native students. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and coded. The participants checked the transcripts for accuracy of the recorded data. The descriptive qualitative results and educational implications are discussed.

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