International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Inclusive Education through the Implementation of Creative Industry Learning Model for Disabilities
Sahabuddin Sidiq, Heri Sudarsono, Sarastri Mumpuni Ruchba, Andika Ridha Ayu Perdana

Inclusive education accommodates the educational needs of students by using various instructional methods. This article aims to find out the effectiveness of implementing creative industry learning models for people with disabilities. The learning model tested is based on physical and mental limitations of the people with deafness, blindness, physically disabled, and mentally disabled. There are four clasess of the specific learning in the model which are cooking, crafts, computer technique, and music. The result shows that people with disabilities generally can follow the learning process in accordance with the learning model. However, each class has different types of difficulties depending on the types of disabilities. Other result shows that the learning process for people with mental disabilities is more difficult than other types of disabilities. In addition, the presence of assistant for escorting student in the learning process is essential.

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