A Relationship between Guided Digital Learning and Autonomous Learning
This study examines learner autonomy characteristics in a virtual learning environment called "Webquest" used to teach English to Turkish students at Istanbul Medipol University. The elements of the Guided Online Educational blog project were grouped into work-cycles. These work-cycles are as follows: planning and negotiation, decision-making, project, and evaluation. Those parts of the work cycle are appropriate for autonomous teaching methods. In this study, work-cycles were utilized to improve autonomous learning, construct educational objectives, enhance engagement, and group interaction. In this context, this study investigates the consequences of a class blog project in the educational process as well as the effects of work-cycles due to the incorporation of technology. The focus of the research is to use work-cycles to determine as to if digital learning improves autonomous learning by implementing the class blogging project. This study looked into how to use CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) to promote independent learning. The usefulness of Online Learning class blogging tasks in efficient autonomous second language learning using a work-cycle paradigm is also asserted in this study. The study involved students enrolled in the English Language Preparatory Program at Istanbul Medipol University's School of Foreign Languages (Turkey). This research involved 24, A1 learners. The results of the study showed that the students were satisfied with the guided digital learning via class blog projects which were offered them thanks to Webquest and Blogger digital online learning sites. It is believed that the interpretation of this study helped the students to become more autonomous and more competent regarding the digital learning environment.
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