International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

A Stylistic Analysis of Linguistic Patterns in Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market"
Samira Hammoodi

The critical studies of literary texts habitually fail to judge how writers of literary works form a linguistic development of a sense of character inside of their texts. Despite this, via studying the way characters along with their deeds are semantically, semantically, and phonetically portrayed, a stylistic analysis of language patterns helps in establishing to a fuller and better conception of a literary text. To cite but an example, one can asks him/herself how a text is functioning relying on the individual expressions comprising it, why a writer decides to include some certain expressions not others, or even if the construction of a statement comprises mimetic quality of relation to its meaning or not. Such and similar enquiries could be predominantly pertinent within the scope of poetry, where a poetic text's economy often encumbers full character portrayal and where, generally, language plays a far way vital and intricate role.Thorough scrutinizing Christina Rossetti’s "Goblin Market," I will labor to exemplify how a stylistic analysis of linguistic patterns bridges the gap between the delineated language and the total interpretation of a poetic text conducted by the reader. In "Goblin Market," characters and thematic developments are achieved chiefly in terms of how characters speak to each other and in how the poetess dug deep into the minds of her presupposed readers to mirror her thematic concerns. In essence, the poem's activity of centers around a succession of directives, as statements of each single character signifies his/her individual place in the struggle for power. Moreover, despite the disparity in the portrayal of characters and development of themes along the course of the poem, the poetess has cleverly manipulated linguistic elements and patterns to effectively deliver her literary, social and even linguistic concerns to her readers and to stylistically attain a sense of theme and character by supporting meaning with word choice and sound patterns.

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