Feasts in Lesbos1: Highlighting the Social and Cultural Changes
Theodora Charalampi
This paper focuses onreligious feasts3 in Lesboswhich motivate participation from both locals and foreigners. We aimat highlighting the changesand the causes that prompted the inhabitants of Lesbos to modify their festive practices and musical preferences. The paper refers to the period from the end of the 19th to 21st century (2022), drawing on previous research by members of the University of Aegean andsupplemented by the field research material gathered as part of my PhD thesis. Takingeverything into account, we conclude that the changes in panegyria, as well as in the festive practices are the result of social, economic and cultural changes, which are reinforced and/or expanded due to the development of technology and digital media, which in any case should not be considered separate and cut off from social becoming.
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