International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Poverty among the Hungarian Working Population
Emese, Bruder; Csilla, Obádovics

It is said, that having a job greatly reduces the risk of being poor. However, Eurofound (2010) showed, that 8% of the employed population was at risk of poverty in 2007 within the European Union, in a sense that disposing a per capita household income below 60% of the national median income. The European Union introduced a new indicator for measuring the extent of working poor in 2003. This methodology have been analysed and criticized ever since. In our analysis, we introduce a new methodology with which we map the risk of being poor within the employed population in Hungary, their extent, their social situation etc. Last but not least, we are looking at typical characteristics the working poor share. The common characteristics of the working poor population let us draw the inference of their economic, household, social and labour market characteristics, which drifted them to the group of working poor.

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