Professional Development: Partnerships for Success
Betsy M. DelleBovi
This article contributes to the discussion of teacher training and preparation. It presents the implementation of a professional development project conducted by two university professors in the northeastern part of the U.S. Participants included two middle school teachers and three pre-service teachers at an economically unstable Catholic diocesan school. The article begins with a statement of context and a review of literature that addresses the positive effects and need for teachers’ professional learning. A theoretical framework is included to offer readers a generalized perspective on professional development initiatives. An implementation model and a summary of the instruction and outcomes follow. Findings include the positive effects of (a) university-based partnerships with local underserved schools, (b) skills-based learning and interdisciplinary professional development as a means for improving teachers’ content knowledge; and (c) pre-service teachers’ involvement in professional development as a part of their training.
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