Adaptable Program Evaluation Strategies for Teacher Education in Pakistan: A reflective paper written on the bases of literature review and document analysis
Afshan Huma
Teacher education in Pakistan is going through a transitional period. On the one hand teacher education institutions are developing curriculum for newly launched four-five year teacher education programs with the funding of USAID and support of institutions of teacher education in the USA. On the other hand, “National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan” have also been recently developed by the affiliated bodies of Federal Ministry of Education through another USAID-funded project. With the development of new teacher education programs another significant area is to develop mechanisms for program evaluation for the newly introduced programs. Keeping in view an array of contextual factors, evaluate the program evaluation strategies used here in the US for how well they would apply in the Pakistani context. This paper explores a crucial research question i.e. what features of program evaluation would strengthen the Pakistani system and what features might inhibit development there?
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