International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Degree of Owning Cognitive Efficiency of Physical Propriety Connected With Health at the Directorate of Education at the University District/ Governorate of Amman – Jordan, by Instructors of Physical Education
Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Rahman Al-Hadidi

This study aimed at reconnoitering the degree of owning cognitive efficiency of physical propriety connected with health at the Directorate of Education in Jordan by instructors of physical education, in accordance with variables of sex, experience, and the supervising authority. The sample of study consisted of (96) instructors; (53) of them males and (43) females. They were randomly chosen. The researcher employed the cognitive test as an instrument to collect data and information. It consisted of (32) questions, distributed among five spheres: nutrition, physiology of exercise, physical training, tests of physical propriety, injuries, and the first aids. The study deduced that the test as a whole amounted to (40.34%). It is a value expressing a weak degree of owning cognitive efficiency of the physical propriety connected with health by instructors of physical education. It showed non-existence of differences with statistical indication in the degree of owning cognitive efficiency, ascribed to the variable of sex, except for physiology of exercise for the interest of males, by instructors of physical education. And non-existence of differences with statistical indication in the degree of owning cognitive efficiency ascribed to the supervising authority, except for the physiology of exercise for the interest of private schools, by instructors of physical education. Besides, there is no existence with statistical indication, a scribed to the variable of experience years, by instructors of physical education.

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