Issues Management: Managerial Tools for Effective Strategic Planning and Implementation
Jonathan U. Elimimian, Nero Edevbie
The concept of issues management has gained corporate management attention in research and practice. Issues
management is generally concerned with the identification, analysis, probability (educated guess), and projected
timing of emerging issues, from both external and internal environments. A practical concern in issues
management is adapting it to the planning processes that are best for a given institution and its leadership.
Incorporation of issues management within strategic planning can benefit Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCUs). Giving the issues, the organizational responses can dictate the difference between the
success and the failure of the management effort and practices. This paper attempts to delineate the lack of efforts
of a major HBCU in attempting to integrate issues management action into the institutional practice of strategic
planning. The intent is to make issues management an ongoing and systematic institutional exercise, for the
regular five year cycle of the institutional strategic planning process. Another option in which one might view the
link between strategic planning and issues management is to consider issues management as an alternative to the
process of planning by formal organizational structure. In many ways, issues management objectives are similar
to those of the strategic planning structure or the strategic business area (SBA). In conclusion, issues
management process’s real strength lies in its ability to get at issues that transcended traditional organizational
boundaries, or at issues that necessitate cross-unit strategies. It is the opinion of the authors that strategic
planning, by method of traditional organizational structure is necessary, but that it can be supported by the crossunit
planning that the issues management process permits. Lastly, issues management conveys to the members of
the organization a clear message that they should be attentive to these strategic issues from external and internal
environmental scanning when formulating long range strategic plan.
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