Inequality in Accessing Higher Education in Kenya; Implications for Economic development and Well-being
Godfrey Mulongo
Society for International Development -SID-(2004) defines inequality as the extent to which the benefits of
economic welfare producedin an economy varies from that of equal shares among the population. In reference to
education, inequality is the extent at which supply of education as a good, and the benefits that accrue from it
favour certain individual (s), group, generation, race, region e.t.c. In this context, access has to do with enabling
the admittance of a broader range of learners into higher education than are conventionallyincorporated. This
involvesfacilitatingsubstantial number of candidates, especially drawn from marginalized categories (such as the
poor, historically sidelined regions or tribalsubgroups) attain/access higher education.This paper discusses
inequality in accessing higher education in Kenya. Using relevant theories, the paper discusses the implications
of this inequality on economic development and well-being of the country and the people of Kenya.
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