Psychological Empowerment and Job Satisfaction in Jordanian Hospitals
Dr. Naser Ibrahim Saif, Dr. Afnan Sharif Saleh
In recent years, empowerment has become a component of business thinking. Hospitals are important assets in
Jordan and are attempting to improve their competitiveness by improving employee job satisfaction. This study
empirically tested the impact of psychological empowerment on job satisfaction in Jordanian private hospitals. It
was hypothesized that the dimensions of psychological empowerment (meaning, competence, self-determination
and impact) have a positive impact on employee satisfaction in Jordanian hospitals. The study was designed to be
descriptive and quantitative. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to a sample of 554 participants,
resulting in a response rate of 78%. The researchers analyzed the collected data using a group of statistical
methods, including frequencies, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, testing data validity and regression
tests. Among the most important findings of this study is that employees in Jordanian private hospitals perceive
themselves as highly empowered and experience a high level of satisfaction. In addition, the results indicated that
56% of the variation in employee satisfaction results from the implementation of psychological empowerment.
The results also supported the proposition that psychological empowerment leads to higher satisfaction in
Jordanian hospitals. The study recognizes the need to continue the implementation of psychological
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