Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Use of Mother Tongue as a Language of Instruction in Lower Primary Schools in Hamisi District, Kenya
Mary Khejeri
This paper examines the attitudes of teachers towards the teaching and use of Mother Tongue as a language of
instruction in lower primary schools based on a study conducted in Hamis District in Western Kenya, East Tiriki
Division. The research design was a descriptive survey selected because surveys gather information from
relatively large areas by employing sampling procedures hence cutting down on costs. The study sample included
12 schools randomly selected from the 40 primary schools in East Tiriki Division. . The instruments used for data
collection were observation, tape-recording and questionnaires. The data was analysed using descriptive
statistics. The study revealed that Mother Tongue is less valued than English. English is highly valued both for its
instrumental and integrative purposes. It is recommended that there’s need for the government to encourage the
publication of instructional materials for the teaching of Mother Tongue and that the educational language policy
makers review their position with regard to Mother tongue with a view to promoting it both as a language of
instruction and a subject.
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