Ethnic Media and Rural Development in Kenya
Allan Siangu Wekesa, Florence Chizi Tsuma
Kenya has seen a rapid expansion in the number and popularity of Ethnic FM Radio stations, among the reasons
for this are: the liberalization of the airwaves and the relaxing of broadcasting monopolies by the state. The aim
of this paper is to analyze the contribution of Ethnic Media to the development of the rural communities. The
paper seeks to demonstrate the linkage between Ethnic FM Radio Broadcasting and community development at
the grassroots level. The findings of this study indicate that Ethnic Media influence community development in
Kenya by facilitating grassroots-level participation through different developmental programmes that have
positively contributed to changing the rural people’s ways of life. The stations produce ‘local content’ in the
‘local language’, thus giving people a chance to contribute their views on the programmes relevant to their needs.
These include programmes on farming, health, environment, and business. Such programmes feature experts,
professionals and opinion leaders who address numerous developmental topics.
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