Sexuality, Religion and Politics in Brazil: The Moral Agenda of Evangelical Politicians
Sandra Duarte de Souza
The more explicit participation of Evangelicals in Brazilian politics, brought greater emphasis to the political
arena to the theme of sexual morality, which persists despite countless social changes about sexuality in the 21st
century. Mobilization of various religious groups against the election of the Workers Party (PT) candidate, Dilma
Rousseff, was based on the fact that the she would be favourable to the criminalization of homofobia and the
decriminalization of abortion. Catholics, mainline Protestants, Pentecostals, Neo-Pentecostals and spiritualist
kardecistas formed an atypical "ecumenism" in defense of a sexuality strictly delimited and regulated by
conservative religious standards. This article highlights the ambiguity of the laicity in Brazil and aims at
analyzing the implications of gender that came out before and during the elections. In particular it will focus on
the discourse of Pentecostals and historical Protestants about gay marriage, criminalization of homophobia and
the decriminalization of abortion.
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