A Study on Language Acculturation of Korean Descendants in Germany
Young-Mi Choi
In this study, language is discussed in the context of acculturation, within which the significance of language and
bilingualism is explained. According to Berry’s acculturation strategy, it is postulated that a classification can be
drawn between four different types of language acculturation. This study inquires into how Korean descendants
in Germany come to exhibit what types of language acculturation patterns they manifest. The research questions
are 1) How do Korean descendants in Germany acculturate themselves to German society with regard to
language?2) To what extent does the knowledge of two languages have positive effects, and what determinants
are important in language integration? This study is conducted of the conditions for language integration
according to different factors. Binary logistic regression is applied, using language integration as the dependent
variable. Language integration is significantly predicted by all variables, including: mother’s reason for
immigration; parents’ place of origin; gender; mother’s level of education.
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