International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Mediation and Settlements in the Judiciary: Dilemmas and Meanings
Kátia Sento Sé Mello, Bárbara Gomes Lupetti Baptista

The objective of Mediation and Settlements in the Judiciary: Dilemmas and Meanings is to describe and analyse mediation and settlement practices in the sphere of the Rio de Janeiro State Judiciary, Brazil. An understanding is sought of the process of institutional changes through which Brazilian society has been passing since the 1980s, the different meanings attributed to these doctrines by the diverse operators in the legal field and by the users in contexts in which they are engaged. The primary question that guides this research is ascertaining to what extent the State can reduce the gap between the law and the courts of the society, through these new doctrines of conflict management.

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