International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Text-types, Translation Types and Translation Assessment: A Case Study of Chapter 112 of the Holy Quran in Rodwell, Al-Hilali and Khan’s Translation
Muhammad Olatunde Yaqub PhD

This work examines translation as inter linguistic process- a socio-psycho-linguistic phenomenon- that is constantly seen at work in the art of Quranic translation. It employs the different translation of Suratul Ikhlas (chapter 112) by Rodwell, Alhilali and Khan and Turner as a case study. The aim of this paper is to discuss the methods adopted by these translators and identify the degree of closeness of their translation to semantic value of the original source (Quran). The work discovers that it is only Rodwell translation that has no exegetical elements, whereas Al-hilali and Khan made use of ellipsis and exegetical features. The use of exegetical expansion is more pronounced in Turner’s work than in Al-hilali and Khan’s. There are also a lot of assumed ellipses in Turner’s translation. The paper concludes that a proper translation may include elements of gist or exegesis provided it does not jeopardize the semantic value of the source text.

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