International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Shared Value in Remittances Usage And its Implications on Post-Working Period Family Earnings Sustainability (Study on International Migrants from Bululawang District, Malang-Indonesia)
Nurul Badriyah, M. Pudjihardjo, Ahmad Erani Yustika, Devanto Shasta Pratomo

The international migrant workers contribute a great foreign exchange for the country through remittances that they sent to the family. In the economics concept, ‘the remittance’ is equal to income, especially ‘family earning’ concept. From this aspect, the analysis of its usage is identical to the discussion about the usage of family income. Many studies have been conducted to analyze the role of remittances. Most of these studies mainly focused on the role of remittances on income and family economic circumstances, or the role of remittances on welfare in an area, from the positivistic view. On the contrary, there are several studies that analyze the utilization of remittances with a non positivism view; from the individual perspective, mainly on what aspects that shaped the behavior of individuals (and families) in the utilization of remittances. This study aims to explore and explain in depth about the shared value aspects that underlies on utilization (by individuals and families) and sustainability aspects of remittances family income from overseas with a non positivism view. This research is conducted in Malang, by taking the sample (informants) international migrant workers (TKI) that have returned to their hometown and also of migrant families from the local origin of the migrants (TKI), which was conducted in the Bululawang District. Based on the research objectives, research methods used in this study was a qualitative method with a Symbolic Interactionism approach (SI). SI was chosen as the primary review in this study because it suits with institutional economics with the individual perspective where it is relevan with the characteristic of SI approach. The results showed that the aspects of shared value; consisting of the past, perspective and environment, are the aspects that underlie the behavior of individuals in the management of remittances, and subsequently determine the individual's perspective in terms of sustainability of the family income.

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