Essay on Evolution and Humanities
Valentin Krassilov
TCurrent reductionist evolution theory is inadequate to the immense complexity of multilevel process it describes
and cannot be improved by ad hoc revamps. Its implications are degrading both to science and humanities. The
only viable alternative is systemic approach based on general principles of seen as comprehensive philosophic
synthesis of natural science, consequential for existential theories, epistemology, cognitive modes, social
practices, and human perspectives at large. With understanding that internal energy can be augmented only by
work invested in the maintenance of biological and cultural complexity, the present day least action survival
strategy ought to be replaced with the most action principle of progressive development. People still believe that
the only scientific alternative to evolution by means of natural selection is mutational chaos and random drift,
because spontaneous directedness, progress of life, and free will are long disproved. But they are not, while
meaninglessness is an artifact of epistemological reduction.
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