The Use of Covert Communication, Irony and Puns in Print and Online English Advertising: A Relevance-theoretic Account
Eisa S. Alrasheedi
The use of covert communication in general and irony and puns in particular in advertising is counted a common
technique many prudent advertisers make use of when shaping the general lines and framework of their
advertisements. Additionally, irony and puns are highly deemed as useful tools in assisting the advertisers to
attract audience's attention and consequently re-modify their personal attitude towards the products or services
in question. In connection to this, this research aims at providing a relevance-theoretic account to a number of
print and online English advertisements so as to pinpoint how these advertisements are better off in case of covert
communication, irony, and pun. In addition, it indicates how the effort-effect trade-off plays a vital part in guiding
the people (audience) towards understanding the advertisements fully and truthfully. This guidance is conducted
via a unifiedfashion rendering who reads the advertisement at issue to yield the utmost message the advertisement
is designed to serve and deliver.
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