The Effectiveness of Task-based Teaching: Instruction Using the Popular ‘Survival Game’ Activity
Tu, Hui-ling
Communicative competence expects language learners to use their L2 for differentpurposes; to vary language
usage based on setting / participants; to produce various textual forms; and, to communicate despite limited
vocabulary. This expectationcreates practical opportunities for task-based teaching / instruction (TBT/ TBI)
utilizingpair work, role play / group work, and project work activities to facilitateCommunicative Language
Teaching (CLT) through cognitively demanding situations.TBT / TBI is characterized by classroom language
activities which engage learners and derive overall language skills improvement from the cognitive process such
as problem-solving (i.e. listing, classifying, sequencing, etc.). Certain types of classroom activity may generate
individual speaking / group interaction in an EFL classroom setting. One such activity “Lost on the Moon”,
adapted from the popular “N.A.S.A.Survival” task-based survival game, is suggested for students to reach
consensus and encompasses active participation essential to group cohesion in a hypothetically hostile
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