International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Space Use and Environmental Effects of Home-Based Enterprises. The Case of Buguruni Mnyamani Informal Settlement, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Nguluma Huba, Kachenje Yohannes

This paper investigates space use and environmental effects of Home Based Enterprises. The paper shows that the residential houses can provide both home and workplace to generate income. This lifestyle is practiced by the majority of people living in both formal and informal settlements in urban Tanzania. Double-functioning of residential premises as both home and workplace has now become the form of life for the majority in the informal settlements of urban Tanzania, where municipal officials rarely visit for enforcement of the laws and regulations. The state has failed to put in place a policy which supports these initiatives of Home based Enterprises for the poor in the informal settlements. This paper attempts to identify different types of Home Based Enterprises, analyses use of space for both functions i.e. residential and workplace with emphasis on the effect of more functions of a residential house. This paper further, analyses space use under the combination of residential and income generating purposes at Buguruni Mnyamani informal settlement. The paper also presents some spatial and environmental effects of the phenomenon and how residential and income generating functions co-exist, with emphasis on the arising conflict. Empirical evidence from a settlement called Buguruni Mnayamani as a case study area where recently research was carried out is used to examine space use and environmental effects. The case study revealed that there is substantial modification in existing residential houses in order to accommodate the double functioning of the dwelling. Major modifications noted, were observed to be an essential phenomenon. Despite of its important role in improvement of livelihood activities which contribute significantly in income generation and poverty alleviation the operation of double functioning of houses have been observed to raise some environmental effects such as nuisance, overcrowding, blocking natural light, lack of natural ventilation and a number of risks to the users of dwellings.

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