International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Teaching Western Culture to Jordanian Students Majoring in English Language: Perceptions and Achievements
Sa'ida W. Al-Sayyed, Prof. Bader S. Dweik

This study aimed at exploring students’ perceptions towards western culture classes and to uncover the benefits of these classes from students’ view points. It also aimed at finding out which language skills and elements have been improved. To achieve these goals, the researchers developed a five- part questionnaire based upon previous studies. Thirty EFL female students, who attended a course titled “Western Culture” as an optional course, were asked to participate in this research. Findings showed that students’ perceptions towards the western culture were positively changed. Additionally, this course was a fruitful one in which students achieved the most important expected benefits of teaching culture such as (1) raising their awareness about history and its relationship to culture, language and communication, (2) motivating them to learn more about the English language and improving language skills and elements as well.

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