Management of Errors in Classrooms: Student Mistakes and Teachers
Assistant Prof. Dr. Seyithan Demirdag
Teachers employ different strategies to deal with errors occur in the classrooms. Research about this topic is a
few and provides mixed results. However, some studies conducted on this topic contribute to the understanding of
the interplay between teachers’ everyday instructional routines surrounding mistakes about errors. The purpose
of this quantitative study was to investigate the perceptions of classroom teachers about their errors and how
such perceptions differed from one another among elementary school teachers, middle school teachers, and high
school teachers. The perceptions of classroom teachers were investigated by the Error Orientation Questionnaire
(EOQ).Teachers’ error management behaviors were analyzed. The findings of the study suggested that there was
no significant difference among teachers’ perceptions on all factors of the EOQ including error competence,
learning from errors, error risk taking, error strain, error anticipation, covering up errors, error communication,
thinking about errors.
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