Overcoming Obstacles: Teaching Language Majors in Response to Professional and Social Needs
Dr. Juanita Villena-Alvarez
The article delves into the status of the teaching of Language for Specific Purposes(LSP), in multiple university
programs with particular emphasis on the social and professional aspect, and then proposes practical steps and
measures to counteract the myriad obstacles to the expansion of LSP. In the section “Manpower: Sharing the
Burden and the Rewards” the article provides details on the expansion of programs in eight aspects: management
plan and timelines; partnerships with a senior or junior faculty; benefits toward promotion and tenure;
institutional benefits; marketing the results; employment for students; community benefits; and tracking the
alumni. This work demonstrates how extending the programs in the humanities can reach out to other academic
areas in the professional schools through vital language learner needs surveys and analyses. The article
concludes with a home-grown solution borrowed from Voltaire’s Candide: “Il fautcultivernotrejardin” (“We
must cultivate our own garden”).
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