International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

The Factors Influencing Voting Preferences in Local Elections “An Empirical Study”
Dr. Ihsan Kurtbas

Although the literature generally makes generalisations suggesting that the local elections are a rehearsal of general elections, local elections are indeed sui generis in terms of their resources, pressure groups, political dynamics, voter preferences and the factors influencing those preferences. This study was conducted by surveying during the Local Elections of 29 March 2009. Results of the experimental data obtained in this study suggested that approximately one out of every ten voters did not care about the vote they were using. 48.4% of voters conducted no or very little research before elections. Approximately one out of every four voters said they would not support the candidate or the party that has no chance of winning in the elections. Meanwhile, with 28.7%, a large portion of the voters said the most important factor that influenced their preferences in local elections was the ideology of the candidate. As the level of income increased, the number of people who were interested in party cadres and the candidate’s knowledge of local problems while the number of those who were inclined to always vote for the same party. As the level of education increased, the number of people who cared for the former activities of the candidate increased whereas the number of people who valued that the candidate’s party was in power or who were inclined to always vote for the same party.

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