Utilizing Peer Mediators as Community Resource: Theory and Practice
Vitus Ozoke
Even though peer mediation has proven to be a very useful and popular program in inculcating alternative
conflict handling behavior in young people in American schools, local communities across America have not
utilized trained and competent peer mediators in community mediations. This exclusionary attitude has basis in
theory. Also present in theory is the need for inclusion and utilization of peer mediators in community mediation
settings. Beyond theory, practical basis for utilizing young people in community mediation is found in a
comparative assessment of Association of Conflict Resolution’s (ACR) Model Conduct for Peer Mediation
(MCPM) and its Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators (MSCM). Given that peer mediators are trained on
similar principles as are adult mediators, the argument used to keep peer mediators away from community
mediations is everything but strong.
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