The Role of Community Institutions “Rukun Tetangga” In Social Housing, Indonesia
Nany Yuliastuti, Joesron Alie Syahbana, Sugiono Soetomo
Social housing has built by the National Housing Authority since 1994, which is intended to be affordable
housing for low-income families. Social housing has a heterogeneous resident’s background and social bond
which is based on grassroots community life in Indonesia, called as “Rukun Tetangga” institution (RT). The aim
of this study is to assess the role of the RT institutions and the concept of integration within residential context.
This research uses descriptive qualitative method through interviews with the informants and field observations.
This research concluded that the residents have the power to adapt and strong conformity in the residential
neighborhood. RT institution can integrate the aspects of social activities with the use of space in a residential
neighborhood. Community involvement and socio spatial integration will make a comfortable life. Empowered RT
institutions can integrate aspects of social activities and the utilization of space in a residential neighborhood.
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