Local Wisdom of the Fishermen’s Language and Livelihood Traditions In The Southern Coast Of Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia (An Ethnolinguistic Study)
Wakit Abdullah
This study aimed to describe the local knowledge of language and livelihood traditions of fishermen in the
southern coast of Kebumen regency, Central Java, Indonesia as an ethnolinguistic study. It is a descriptive and
qualitative exploratory through ethnoscience approach. The data collection of this study is done through
techniques of in-depth interviewing and participant observation in ethnographic methods. The data were analyzed
in an ethnoscience model followed by the taxonomic, componential, and domain based on the cultural theme to
reconstruct the phenomenon of language and traditions encompassing the local knowledge of the fishermen.
Results of the study are presented in the form of a narrative text about language and traditions of fishermen’s
livelihoods in the southern coast of Kebumen which is ethnolinguistically studied to achieve the welfare based on
the guidelines of their ancestors. Local knowledge on language and traditions of the fishermen’s livelihoods
include (1) the spiritual wisdom, (2) cultural wisdom, (3) economic wisdom, (4) geographic knowledge, (5)
retention wisdom, (6) technical knowledge, and (7) the wisdom of hope. Local knowledge on language and
traditions of the fishermen’s livelihoods in the southern coast of Kebumen to reveal the mindset, life-viewpoint,
and their worldview towards the southern coast of Kebumen.
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