“Hardly More Than Ameliorative?” Plan International’s Food Aid Programme for Marange, Zimbabwe, 2000s-2010
Bernard Kusena (Mr)
This paper analyses the impact of food aid on recipient communities in Zimbabwe through the lens of Plan
International’s charity programmes in Marange. Although food security can be guaranteed by factors other than
agricultural productivity, the need for food aid has been prompted by the regularity of poor harvests experienced
in Marange, an area so much dependent upon crop and livestock production. Since colonial times, many
households hardly raised the basic three meals a day. Ironically, the post-colonial state has not successfully
ameliorated the situation, regardless of its proclamation to end hunger by the turn of 2000.The paper engages
debates on the desirability of food aid. Using primary documents at Plan’s Mutare office along with interviews
and secondary sources, the paper concludes that food aid stifles prospects of sustainable and durable solutions to
food insecurity. Indeed, what started off as emergency operations to cushion vulnerable members of society
against shortfalls occasioned by dry spells in Marange, food hand-outs have actually become a permanent
feature, thereby perpetuating a serious donor syndrome that needs urgent redress.
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