The Comparative Evaluation of the Obligatory Education For 12 Years (4+4+4) From the Point of Parent-Teacher’s Views
Battal Odabasi, Ugur Diler, Asim Gökçe
Fed by the contributions of each discipline, which is indispensable to social life and the state's educational
paradigm is as old as human history. But every society according to their own time, there is a training system that
accommodates universal values. To increase the average duration of individual training, compulsory education in
accordance with abilities in order to make it possible to direct the education system is seen in every society. The
public with research known as 4 + 4 + 4 12 years of compulsory education of parents and teachers aimed to
evaluate the eye. Difficulties in implementing 12-year compulsory education, 60-72 month old children's
development level of negativity that occurs due to have crowded classes assumption that reduce the quality of
education of current elective courses and examined the findings of the frame obtained prepared to scale for the
state, parents and teachers of education. Selected a sample of 50 teachers and 344 parents of 12-year as a result
of findings obtained the opinions of the compulsory education: Parents are adopting much the 8-year compulsory
education model. 4 + 4 + 4 application is not accepted as a better model by parents and teachers. 4 + 4 + 4
rushed implementation of well-planned preparatory phase has brought the problems arising from failure. Elective
course choices and practices relating to the new educational model is being appreciated by parents, teachers and
elective excess of daily hours by parents not been sufficiently informed about the related problems are thought to
live. 4 + 4 + 4 education practices of the parents to see the democratization movement in training and when
evaluating an application will bring a more flexible structure to our education system, teachers think that the
increase in their discipline problems lowered the quality of education. Both teachers and parents of primary
school starting age of 60-66 months and the heat was not looking, the establishment of withdrawal age groups,
classes have been shown to decrease in the age of starting school agree that it caused the crowd. Parents and
teachers of the 4 + 4 + 4 education system as a staging application due to 4-year elementary school, junior high
school four years of secondary education demonstrated a moderate level of participation in the formation of the
period of 4 years. Transition to secondary education system in the context of children from an early age
encounter with central examination constitutes a compelling case for children this age. Teachers and parents
have participated in high- level of students at this age they are introduced into the test race. The number of
students in our country is more, the lack of the routing process we have seen, for example contemporary country,
to heterogeneity of the socio – economic and geographical structure depending on factors such as cultural
conditions in educational levels are particularly a problem in the transition to secondary education. Secondary
education for many years made the selection and placement process with the central placement exam is expected
to be more applied. It democratized the idea that parents and wrapped in a flexible structure with a participation
in the restructuring of the education system while exhibiting moderate, low level of teachers has been shown to
participate in this idea. There are some problems in the perception of the community as an educational movement
in compulsory education. Accordingly, parents and teachers in compulsory education consists differences inperspective is to return this issue from time to time in the training environment. In this study, 12 year Compulsory
Education (4 + 4 + 4 model) have been studied opinion for parents and teachers to practice. Research on the 4 +
4 + 4 education model, lacking for the implementation, application problems encountered, solutions to problems,
dealt with in accordance with the problems and sub- problems, research has been presented in parallel
recommendations on the results obtained. While it is endeavoring to improve education quality and education in
order to increase or maintain their country's development. Turkey also increase the duration of compulsory
education is considered to be one of the important steps taken in this direction. Achieving success and by the
authorities to improve the quality of education, parents, teachers, duties and responsibilities on all segments of
the students briefly society to fulfill with determination fully and completely is of paramount importance. Changes
in the time of Turkish education model within research, improvements in the period up to the present, the
education system of the developed countries is discussed in general literature on education. With a wide range of
literature "education" subject research guiding our state in terms of issues that are discussed. Among European
countries, compulsory education is continuous or full-time as a mean duration of 10-11 years. Especially after the
establishment of the republic in Turkey, there had been serious training movement had strengthened the
education system, there are many regulations. Remove the duration of compulsory education legislation that
twelve years is a major educational campaign in this regard. Working in Sisli district of Istanbul province is
limited scope further expanded to other secondary schools with secondary schools of the research carried out in a
way to cover primary and secondary schools. 4 + 4 + 4 can be separate studies in education at all school levels
escalation. If they are implemented all of the settlements in Turkey who served the survey for teachers and parents
of students studying informatics can be extended by using fewer opportunities. Thus data can be collected more
economically and quickly. To solve the problems in practice, universities and national education directorates
improved strategies for collaboration in size. Parents and teachers training model 4 + 4 + 4 as the primary
staging application due to 4 years, secondary four-year secondary education showed a moderate level of
participation in the formation of the period of 4 years. Transition to secondary education system in the context of
children from an early age encounter with central examination constitutes a compelling case for children this
age. Teachers and parents have participated in high-level of students at this age they are introduced into the test
race. The number of students in our country is more, the lack of the routing process we have seen, for example
contemporary country, to heterogeneity of the socio-economic structure, geographical, depending on factors such
as cultural conditions in educational levels are particularly a problem in the transition to secondary education.
Secondary education for many years made the selection and placement process with the central placement exam
is expected to be more applied. The new model attitude toward school starting age (P = .508, p> .05) differences
were not detected by the level of education in size. It democratized the idea that parents and wrapped in a flexible
structure with a participation in the restructuring of the education system while exhibiting moderate, low level of
teachers has been shown to participate in this idea. Reducing the number of programs to increase the diversity of
secondary education, making flexible the transfer and transition secondary level is one positive development. In
particular, increasing the opportunities for vocational and technical education, religious submission will go to
junior high school students the option is considered as different religious developments within the education
system . Teachers and parents showed a modest contribution to this development. There are some problems in the
perception of the community as an educational movement in compulsory education. Accordingly, parents and
teachers of compulsory education consists of differences in view as a problem from time to time to prune
educational environment returns. From this perspective when the quality of education is lowered by the teachers
with new models, it indicates that there is an significant increase in disciplinary problems. According to findings
obtained from research, making improvements in school physical structure, increasing the number of classrooms,
village scope continues moved in compulsory education bussed education practice and kept within the education
system and students residing in the hamlet, providing electives are elected by parents and students , 4 + 4 + 4
education the elimination of public disclosures about the model and educators in order to make the reservations ,
supported by in-service training activities for the training of educators is important in terms of expected utility
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