Data Analysis of an Automated Learning Tool for the Instruction of Definitions for Communication in a Humanities Senior Seminar
James Lipuma, Jenna Corraro
The paper presents an instructional design utilizing automated-learning tools to teach about defining terms in an
online Humanities senior seminar at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. By leveraging digital learning tools
in a Moodle environment, a system was produced that students could access independently and work through at
their own pace in order to be introduced to, learn more deeply about and provide evidence of progress and
mastery for the task of defining terms in a clear effective way. The research presented here gathered data from
students about their impression of the tool as well as from analytics provided by Moodle. Quantitative and
qualitative data were analyzed and results presented for 200 students. It was shown that the tool was effective to
engage students, attain learning goals and not consume significant instructional time or that of the educator
beyond initial design and implementation of the tools and resources.
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