The Applicability of the Concept of Mercenary on Military and Security International Companies under the Rules of International Law
Ayman Abdel bari Abuel-Haj, PhD; Ali Ahmad AL-Zu’bi, PhD
The subject of mercenaries and military and security companies is one of the topics that have seen much attention
on the international level, such as what occurred in the mercenary groups and these companies a clear evolution.
As the observer of the international scene , finds that there is a growing evident in the role of power and nonofficial,
including security companies, military, international, and especially in areas involving military conflicts
and political instability, where he has played a prominent role and the president in a lot of international disputes
in openly and under the legal cover internal issue for the protection of its activities and gives it legal immunity
and international legitimize feature away from the control of UN supervision , including the Security Council as
the primary 0rgan responsible for supporting international peace and security. And the spread of the security and
military international companies led to political and legal differences, and the international community was split
between supporters and opponents of the activities and existence of these companies, since the opponents sees
that the members of these international companies and their activities are acts of mercenaries, and the activities
constitute a clear violation of many of the principles of international law in Article (2) of the Charter of the
United Nations, which necessitating the intervention of the international community to prevent the activities of
these companies, the fact that members of these companies are involved in military conflicts according to
personal interests and material regardless of ethical considerations, and therefore these companies are the only
form of new and evolving a mercenary. While the supporters sees that the activity of these companies are not
considered as mercenaries in the legal sense contained in the first Additional Protocol and other international
conventions . As These companies operate under self legal system that makes it committed to the international
legal rules, including international humanitarian law, as the existence of these companies comes as a respond to
international variables as a result of the large number of international and internal conflict, Which force the need
to study this phenomenon and its legality under the rules of international law.
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