International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Kinship Systems and Terms among Medan-Based Arabic Community
Nursukma Suri, T. Silvana Sinar, Pujiati, Fikarwin Zuska

The attention towards the Arabic minority living beyond Gulf countries is urgent. The major objectives of this study are to investigate the kinship systems and terms (KST) among the Medan-based Arabic community (MbAC). Antropological perspectives of KST were adopted from Al-Haly (2010), Koentjaraningrat (2005) as well as from Braun (1988). This study employed qualitative approach and was conducted in Medan, Indonesia. Data were obtained from MbAC; the subjects of this study were randomly selected. Interviews were also utilized and they were recorded on audiotape. The results can be summarized as follows: kinship system is patrilineal and applies endogamy and exogamy in marriage system. The kinship terms cover the variaties of greetings such as abi, umi, jidd, jidda, ami, ameh, hale, halati, anta, ente, you yourselves, ana, ane, brother, ustaz (cleric), ustazah, navigator, muallimah, and hafid. The following names are also used for greetings: Sarifah, Taufik and others. Greetings in relation to rank are Habib, Said that commensurate with kin terms such as ash Darda, Umm Aisha, or with surnames like Assegaf, Bahadjaj. Habiby and habibaty are also parts of kin terms. The conclusion reached is that kinship system and terms are still used by MbAC.

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