The Effect of Product Pricing on the Growth of Micro Insurance by Insurance under Writers in Kenya
Willys Obuba Chache
This research study sets out to examine whether the growth of micro insurance in Kenya is affected by how
insurance underwriters price their products. The research objective was to establish how product pricing affects
the growth of micro insurance by insurance underwriters in Kenya. The research adopted an experimental
research design and was based on multiple linear regression analysis of secondary data. The dependent variable
used was the gross premium which was a proxy for the growth of micro insurance and the independent variables
used were incurred expense ratio, incurred claims ratio and net income ratios which were proxies for product
pricing. The coefficient of determination was used to check the fitness of the model. A t-test statistic was used to
test the significance at 5%. The findings of this research establish that there exists a relationship between the
gross premium and the incurred expense ratio, incurred claims ratio and net income ratios. The study established
that there was 87.9% variation in gross premium which could be explained by the independent variable thus
deeming the regression model fit. There was a positive correlation between the expense ratio 0.555, claims ratio
0.239 and net income ratio 0.914 and the gross premium, which is significant at 5% implying that an increase in
the above ratios will indicate an increase in the gross premium. This doesn’t mean that there is an increase in the
earned premiums but simply indicating an increase in the business underwritten.
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