“L’Italia Turistica” in 1930’s: History of a Journey and Care Resort
Stefania Montebelli
The several cultural and landscape attractions of Italy have become part of the national Tourism Organization
only in recent times, more precisely in 1921 with the foundation of National Authority of Tourist Industries (Ente
Nazionale Industrie Turistiche - E.N.I.T.). For a better control of the entity of the traveller movements, E.N.I.T.
organized the statistical reporting services that were designed to control and manage the tourist flow inlet and
outlet. These inspections needed for the protection and development of the places of ‘journey and care resort’,
managed by the Independent Organization. In 1931, Tagliacozzo (Abruzzo-Italy) received the title of ‘journey and
care resort’becoming part of the Tourist Organization of the past Kingdom of Italy, supervised by E.N.I.T. This
work treats the Italian tourism of the 1930’ through the history of Tagliacozzo in that period and the analysis of
"L’Italia turistica" by Giovanni Mariotti (1929).
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