The Implementation of Integrated Learning in the Islamic Religion Education as to Grow the Religiosity and Faith of Learners
Dr. Sunhaji, M.Ag
The Islamic Religion Education is a subject matter used as a basis for the development of learners’ values, the
formation of learners’ moral at school, the prevention and opposition of amoral conducts. The primary objective
of the Islamic Religion Education is to create amalus-solikhah, that is, the formation of pieties, both individual
piety and social piety. The process of the piety formation is due to the ingrained faith and devotion to God. Such
an education not only is focused on the tafakuh fi-dhin nuance, but also invites the learners to appreciate God’s
creation of natures so that their faith and devotion always improve. The process of the faith and devotion
formation includes bertafakur and bertadhabur on the power and creation of God the Almighty. To materialize
the objective, the Islamic Religious Education is necessary to be integrated with Natural Sciences so that the
integration becomes one of the answers to materialize the final objective of the Islamic Religion Education by
integrating the kauliyah verse with the kauniyah verse.
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