Educación Rural En Colombia: Formación De Maestros En Entornos Rurales, Su Trayectoria Y Retos.
José Edilson Soler Rocha
Overth last decade, a growing migration of rural community towards small and large cities has been observed in
Colombia. This phenomenon has motivated the educational sector to offer meaningful education for the rural
context in their curricula. In the same way, a qualitative and quantitative increase in Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) has been occurring in educational settings, thus leading to their
transformation. In the light of this situation, rural education in Colombia is not the exception, but must
rathertrain in-service teachers to coexist with these media, and promote in students critical participation and
reflection in ICT use and interpretation. For these reasons, a literature review is presented, based on the most
relevant thesis, regarding teacher training in rural areas in Colombia, from the decade of the 90's, presenting
some historical moments, as well as pedagogical and cultural tensions.
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