Radio for farming? An analysis of regional Radio programs and Agricultural Productivity in Kenya
Sheila Razoa Murumba, BA, MA; Hezron Mogambi, PhD
The main aim of this research study is to assess the impact of regional radio farming programs on agricultural
productivity in Kimilili Sub-County. The study’s objectives are to establish whether the people of Kimilili Sub-
County use West FM as a source of information and to assess the impact of West FM’s farming programs on
agricultural productivity in Kimilili Sub-County. A mixed methods approach was used in this study as itinvolved
collection of both qualitative and quantitative data. The target population of the study was 23,707 of the total
population of Kimilili Sub-County. The study adopted purposive sampling techniques to identify the respondents
of the study. Data was analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The descriptive statistical tools SPSS were
used to present the data. The study found that due to access to information from media outlets like West FM radio
station; farmers have managed to improve their yields over time. Through the findings and data analysis, it was
evident that the program is popular in the constituency. It has influenced farming activities and that through
implementation of the new ideas farmers in the region have been economically empowered. The farmers said that
they had learnt a lot of new farming ideas that enabled them venture into different farming methods. These
methods include; - mixed farming, crop rotation, livestock keeping, and fertilizers to use and also how to market
and distribute their products.
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