International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Positive Contribution of Parenting and Socio-emotional Development in Children’s Social Skills
Wulan Patria Saroinsong, Ph.D; Cosmas Poluakan

This study aimed to analysis the effect of parenting and socio-emotional development to social skill in early childhood in B group at Restu I Malang kindergarthen. The participant included 120 children and using questionnaire and checklist to collected data. This study using quantitative method especially multiple regression and compare mean (one-way anova) to data analysis. Result of multiple regressions showed that parenting (X1) and socio-emotional development (X2) influence to children social skill in partially. The partially result is t (1.770) > t table (1.658) and simultaneously is F arithmetic (16.991) > F table (4.820). One way anova showed that is no significance difference in children social skill (Y) by parenting dimensional and it’s consist of Authoritarian parenting (X1.1), permissive (X1.2), and authoritative (X1.3). According this study, furthermore other research should be study in the wider population and intricacy variable such as nutrient factor, peer group, learning median, communicate median (TV), play method and learning method.

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