International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

The Role of Turkey and Azerbaijan in Asian-European Transport Corridors
Ismail Bilge Cetin

Major developments have been experienced in Eurasia since the early 1990s. The Soviet Union has disintegrated, new independent countries have been established in Central Asia, the European Union has expanded, China, India and South Asian economies have grown very rapidly. Increasing trade and economic relations between the countries of Europe, Central Asia and East Asia necessitated the creation of new Eurasian land corridors as an alternative to conventional maritime transportation that would allow access from Europe to China and South Asia. For this purpose, four major transport corridors between Europe and Asia, backed by the EU and the United Nations, have been identified. In this study, concepts of transportation, transportation networks, transport corridors are described, the role of transport corridors between Europe and Asia is discussed, and Turkey and Azerbaijan's role in these corridors is investigated and debated. The triggering point and the basic source of this debate has been based on a scrutinized review of the relevant literature.

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