Faculty Members Conceiving and Practicing Their Roles in the Planning, Implementation and Assessment of University Courses
Dr. Ahmed Rabee, Prof. Shaher Dheeb Abu Shreikh
This study aims at exploring how faculty members conceive their own roles in planning, implementing and assessing university courses and to what extent the same is related to their teaching practices from their students' perspectives. Upon a correlatively descriptive approach, the survey includes 123 faculty members and 385 students at Jerash University, Jordan, in the first semester of 2017/2018. The total degree of the planning role conceived is moderate with a mean of 3.39 but it is high as to both the implementation and assessment ones with means of 3.49 and 3.92 respectively. For the degrees of practicing the same roles, they are all moderate according to the sample students with means of 2.19, 2.26 and 2.03 respectively. Finally, the correlation between the faculty members' conceptions of their roles in the planning, implementation and assessment of university courses on the one hand, and their teaching practices according to the students on the other hand were all moderate and statistically significant.
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