Material and Non-Material Qualities of the Space Created by the Child in the Preschool Classroom
Dr. Alexandra Gkloumpou
The space is an important and peculiar field of research. Although its geometrical characteristics remain stable we can’t conclude that space is an unchanging and “objective” reality because it contains influences of human presence. In this article we present the three dimensions of space: psychological, social and pedagogical and how these dimensions function in the educational process. We also present how the children at the preschool classroom use the space according to their needs and create new places through their participation in educational action researches. These new places include both material elements (architectural spaces, structures, objects) as well as a set of non-material elements (relationships, practices, experiences) that function as material educational fields. The results of these researches has shown that children’s interaction with their classroom space help them to create cohesive relationships with their classmates and to acquire experiences and knowledge through active learning.
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