International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Conditional Cash Transfer Breaks the Chain of Poverty for Next Generation
Elly Kuntjorowati, Ikawati, Sri Yuni Murtiwidayanti, Trilaksmi Udiati

This research is an evaluation of a conditional social assistance program called the family hope program (PKH). PKH or CCT is a poverty alleviation program aimed at very poor households with the aim of increasing human resources through improving children's health and education. The research problem posed is how the influence of PKH or CCT in the fields of health, education, and the economy in breaking poverty for the next generation, as well as supporting factors and obstacles to the implementation of the program. The research objective was to determine the influence of PKH or CCT in the fields of health, education, and the economy in breaking poverty for the next generation, as well as supporting factors and obstacles to program implementation. The research method uses the mix method namely quantitative and qualitative. The results of the study showed that PKH or CCT had an effect on the education, health and economy of beneficiary families. Recommendations require the role of local government, especially in updating data to the right target.

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