Residents Perception on Child Abuse and Influence on Social Studies Students' Academic Achievements
Edinyang, Sunday David; Ekuri, Patrick George; Ushie, Doris Emmanuel
Social studies is a discipline that deals with social change and ensures that meaningfully interaction of the recipients
with their physical and social environments is attained. It engenders sound education of the citizens, as well as
inculcates a sense of social consciousness and social responsibility. Social studies a study that can help an individual
to understand his environment, find out the problems of his environment as well as solving existing social problems. It
is a study that inculcates the value of honesty, cooperation, and the needs of the nation, as well as the desirable skills to
solve environmental problem. It is against this background that mass failure of students on the subject has resulted to
several reactions by members of the public. Could child abuse be the remote cause to low academic achievement of
students in social studies?
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