International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

E-Learning and the Challenges faced by Teachers during the Pandemic Period in Ipueiras – Ceará.
Francisco Samuel Gomes de Araújo, Glauciana Alves Teles

Distance education in Brazil is not recent. Although its beginnings date back to the first half of the 20th century, public policies on distance education began in the country in the 1960s and 1970s. Then, in the 1990s, the law 9394/96 (National Education Guidelines and Framework Law, LDB) was the frontier that established the legality for e-learning at various educational levels. From this perspective, this article aims to analyze the educational measures implemented during the pandemic period, more specifically the e-learning and its impacts on teachers’ work from the public schools in Ipueiras/CE. It is descriptive and exploratory research, which has as theoretical reference Alves (2009), Neto(2012), Kenski(2013), Tardif(2014), Carrara(2016), Marcílio(2019), and Wojcicki (2019).The analysis method consisted of collecting information through Google Forms, reviewing the literature, collecting and organizing data, besides analyzing and discussing the information presented. It is notorious the importance of e-learning to recreate learning environments that allow a significant interaction among students, not distancing themselves from their position as citizens with its particularities. In a holistic view, however, this interaction should be more than between student and teacher but also among students themselves and with computers, fostering their autonomy, creativity, and improving social interactions among the entire school community. The challenges in this way of teaching are the classes centered on the teacher and the difficulty to access technological resources by teachers and students.

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