International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Towards Feeding and Bleeding Filters in Communicative Translation Competence: a Case Study of the Quránic Sura of Al-Shams (the Sun)
Dr. Naser N. AlBzour

This paper is a nonconventional endeavor that strictly attempts to systematize the process of translation in a solid fashion almost similar to other modern linguistic disciplines where such major disciplines such as phonology, syntax and semantics are oftentimes approached and investigated on competence-based criteria. Since professional translation should be meticulously oriented and objectively described as a multi-phase process that hinges upon deliberateness, any set of choices that a translator has to consider before picking up his/her final choice must undergo a strictly discreet process of elimination of all less successful candidates. Therefore, the researcher argues that such deliberate choices can be best analyzed and justified in light of implementing a set of rule ordering. This very idea of rule ordering has been borrowed from the field of phonology as introduced by Kiparsky (1968) and revisited by Kiparsky (1982.a. and 1982.b.), then more precisely implemented and extended some decades later by Mascaro (2011) also in phonology and by Nunes (2004) in Syntax. Such rule ordering and rule flipping can feed or bleed and thus counter-feed or counter-bleed our linguistic choices at the phoneme level, the syllable level, the morpheme level and the lexeme level. By and large, this logical process can be relatively and satisfactorily extended to the field of translation as an endeavor in the cause of neatly and cogently highlighting and justifying any possible grammatical, lexical and stylistic choices that professional translators may opt for as stable and productive filters based on their idealized translation competence which is rooted in the foundations of Dell Hymes’ communicative competence (Hymes, 1976; Hymes, 2003).

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