Teachers’ Receptivity to System-Wide Curriculum Change in the Implementation Stage
Thae Hsu Khine, Li Tai-ping, Sun Jing
A few studies deal with teachers’ receptivity to the curriculum change in its implementation stage, especially in a Southeast Asian cultural context like Myanmar. The purpose of this study specifically focuses on investigating primary teachers’ receptivity to implementing the new curriculum and on understanding factors influencing it. Questionnaire survey with open-ended questions (n=627) is employed to examine teachers’ receptivity in the region of Naypyitaw Union Territory located in the central part of Myanmar, during the academic year 2021-2022. Results indicate that teachers have high positive receptivity (attitudes and behavioral intentions) to implementing the new curriculum, but the insufficient number of teaching staff, particularly in rural and primary schools, might reduce the levels of teachers’ receptivity. The findings reveal that non-monetary cost-benefit analysis and issues of concerns are the important predictors of teachers’ receptivity. Based on the findings, several recommendations for educational administrators are provided for enhancing teachers’ receptivity.
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