Assessing the Level of Climate Change Awareness among Secondary School Teachers in Calabar Municipality, Nigeria: Implication for Management Effectiveness
Ekpoh, Uduak Imo, Ekpoh, Imo Jackson
Climate change is an area that is currently in dire need of a wide range of publicity and other measures in order to mitigate its effect on the society. This is more so in the sense that informed public will make wiser and more accurate decisions and response to climate change issues. This study examined the level of climate change awareness among secondary school teachers in Calabar Municipality. Three research hypotheses were postulated to guide the study. A self designed questionnaire titled "Climate Change Awareness Questionnaire (CCAQ)" was administered on a sample of 200 secondary school teachers. Population t-test and independent t-test were employed to analyze the data collected. Findings indicated that the level of climate change awareness was low generally among teachers and the awareness varied with sex. Also, teachers’ access to sources of information on climate change was low. Implications for management effectiveness were discussed.
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